Solving the Silent Mystery of 1980: Jane Doe Remains Identified as Sandra Morden, Missing Since 1977
Investigators are still looking for any information on Sandra and what may have happened
On February 28, 1980, two men, a father, and son duo, told investigators they had been sifting for gold and were making their way along Fly Creek in Clark County, Washington, when they came across human remains.
The body’s exact location was close to NF-54, where it split with Canyon Creek. According to reports, the remains were almost intact, aside from the torso and hands being missed, and the remains were said to be mostly skeletal.
In their report, the Medical Examiner concluded that the remains likely belonged to a young woman aged thirteen to eighteen, although most likely in the fifteen to sixteen-year-old range. Her cause of death remained undetermined, and there was very little information the medical examiner could garner from her remains. She was believed to have been Native American or Hispanic and had ‘well-developed neck muscles,’ indicating she was likely involved in sports or manual labor.
The case quickly went cold, and investigators were eventually assigned to other cases. In 2016, NCMEC and Dr. Nikki Costa of the Clark County Medical…