Woman Who Used “Rent-A-Hitman.Com” Sentenced

Wendy Lynn Wein tried to hire a hitman to kill her ex-husband

Megan Ashley
3 min readSep 12, 2022
Wendy Lynn Wein (Source)

It was the summer of 2020 when the Michigan State Police got a peculiar call. A man, Bob Innes, ran a parody website called “Rent-A-Hitman,” and, since its inception, he has gone through the process of reporting people who reached out to him via the website looking to hire a hitman.

Innes said that on July 17, 2020, a woman had reached out to him after filling out a “service request” form from the site. Initially, she had used a pseudonym, but Innes had responded asking for more information, including her real name and other personal information.

The fifty-year-old woman, Wendy Lynn Wein, said she needed a “highly skilled field operative” to help her with an issue regarding her ex-husband: she wanted him dead. Innes forwarded the information to the Michigan State Police, who took over communication with Wein.

“Rent-A-Hitman.Com” was established in 2005

The undercover detective set up two meetings with Wein; at the first meeting, she provided the officer with her ex-husband’s home address, place of employment, and work schedule. She had also agreed to pay the “service fee” of $5,000. During an audio recording submitted to the court as evidence of their meeting, one…

